

Our people are highly skilled and experienced security professionals. Whether the client’s requirements involve extensive customer interaction or significant security challenges, we are prepared to meet specific needs and help protect businesses, employees and assets. Through our people services such as Onsite Security Professionals, Response Security Professionals, Mobile Security Professionals, Secretarial Services, Immediate Response services and Clerical Services we offer services such as;


Supervisors are employed to monitor and supervise all guards and sites. The Company is in the process of upgrading this by providing the supervisor with vehicles in addition the number of supervisors’ checks will increase on number of locations or sites and client’s requirements. Security Guards are rotating on shift basis, in which there two shift of 12 hours each but also the company is able to provide security Guards on 3 shifts per 24 hours basis depending on client’s requirement.


Radios,  Cell phones,  PPEs (Boots, Hard Cap, Gloves, Uniforms),  Fire Arms,  CCTV Cameras,  Vehicles Inspection Detectors,  Hand Held Metal Detectors,  Wood and Plastic battens (Virungu),  Electronics GPS Locks, 


Guarding sites/posts

Includes supermarkets, yards, warehouses, offices, residents etc.

  • Uniformed, well trained guards will be deployed at posts as required by the client.
  • Each site will have site commander.
  • Each site will have unique post instructions.

Rapid response

Devices for rapid response will be installed at site.

Such devices are:
  • Fire alarms
  • Smugglers alarms
  • Vehicles
  • Mobile phones / radios

Valued Cargo and Convoy Escort

Two categories (Upcountry or foreign and Local or domestic convoys). These involves escort of High Value commodities and any other cargoes as requested by client

Upcountry valued cargo and convoy escort
  • Armed guards
  • Unarmed guards
  • Escort vehicle
Local valued cargo and convoy escort
  • Unarmed guards
  • Motor riders

Container verification & GPS Locking system

Container verification

To verify both the container and cargo loaded as documented.

  • Verifying container seals
  • crosscheck quantity of specified items

Take photos before opening container, when open, each specified item, after reloading, when container closed

GPS Locking system

Ideal for HVC containers


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